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Modex Spaces

Sponsor Description:

You may notice that we have changed the way we look. We are still the same ‘clarks modular buildings’ … inside but have freshened our look to more accurately reflect us as a business. Our enthusiasiam comes from our knowledge of the Modular Building industry. We provide the best solutions with confidence and clarity. Our intelligence is never smug or superior; being a family business it is inclusive, and all encompassing. We are enthusiastic about doing a good job, and this comes through in all areas of communication in our business. We are excited and passionate about the possibilities of the modular space, and what we can be achieved together.

Sponsor Services:

Excellent design is a vital ingredient of our continuous innovation within the modular industry. We value design and start every project with identifying, exploring and ultimately understanding the needs of the user or audience in question to create unique spaces that fit the needs of our customers. We thrive on problem solving and are flexible in our approach and aim to create the best design solution. We are a family business and treat everyone we make contact with, with the same respect, honesty, and sincerity, whether they‘re our staff, suppliers or customers. We are collaborative in our approach to the way we work, and value our teams ideas and input. When we say we will do something, we will do it to the highest standard. We are a ‘safe pair of hands’. We can be trusted to do what we say we’ll do. Our multitude of skills in our workshops and offices has allowed us to create a sustainable business for the future. Established in 1951 and previously known as Clarks Modular Building; we’re here for the long haul, our heritage wouldn’t allow otherwise.

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